Martin Galvin
He wanted always to live in the empty places
Between words, talked only so he could pause
And settle down in that easy chair of silence.
The bigger the novel, the more the houses
Where he could rest and work the puzzle.
And then he grew up and the world hurried down
The clueless street and into his house.
The internet jammed his time with addresses
That didn’t have houses, that didn’t have pauses,
Just hurry-up words that didn’t make sense
If you loved spelling, if you loved spaces.
He dot-commed and googled, he sighed for his loss
But sighing took time and sighing took space
That meant little and less as it wandered around
With nothing to do but continue the flow
Which threatened, that flow, to fill up the world
That used to be filled with comfortable places
Where a boy could hide and a man could go
To escape the babble that filled up the spaces,
To ponder in silence and empty the puzzles.