Unapologetic Verse
Anna Kushner
I write for an unknown mind that is kindred to my own
For the pained consciousness who parallels my niche experiences
I apologize on behalf of the worlds tragic treatment of your soul
Fear rears its ghastly stingers piercing fate with the force of an industrial sewing machine
I write to the boy whose eyes locked with mine as I turned the corner
You knew it was me from the passport stamped Hyundai
I you by the evergreen parka. I’d recognize your stride anywhere
An epilogue to a story my mind refuses to believe has ceased
I write so our memories feel tangible once again
living through the many eyes I’ve borne out of tragedy
if only there was a way to reverse without regret
time is cruel, unforgiving, and inimical; the antimatter of my nature
I write because you consume my existence
My consciousness is rooted in the contours of sound emitted in your voice
By continuing to write about you I’m bound to run out of thoughts
Only then will you once again be a stranger
Anna Kushner is from Kalamazoo, Michigan. She is currently a senior at Michigan State University studying international relations and public relations. She writes to express the things in life that often go unsaid.